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Friday, November 14, 2008

Historical Fiction

Yesterday I got to Bible study a bit early and there was just one other woman there - one I don't know very well. She had Lori Wick's latest book, Jessie, with her. She'd borrowed it from one of the other ladies and was returning it. I said how much I liked Lori Wick's books and she asked if I had read that one. I told her I had read the other books in the Big Sky Dreams series (as well as every other book Lori Wick has ever written), but not that one. I have always loved her books, but find this series not to have the depth of character development or plot that I had come to expect from Lori Wick. so the lady asked me what other authors I enjoyed, and to my surprise, pulled out a notebook to write them down. Of course I immediately drew a blank, then began to tell her some of my all time favorites-starting with Gilbert Morris. She asked what his books were like and I described some of his historical series such as the House of Winslow that I really enjoyed. Many series develop characters whose lives you become engrossed in, then the next book all but ignores them and starts over with new ones. Gilbert Morris continues with the next generation of that family or includes them in his next book. I ended by saying that I especially liked the series he co-wrote with his daughter Lynn. I felt more depth of emotional identification with the characters in these. Shortly thereafter another lady joined us and asked what we were discussing. We told her we were talking about Christian authors and she said "Oh, I love historical fiction! Have you heard of Gilbert Morris? He's the best." We talked about his books for a bit, mentioning that they covered such a wide range of settings and time frames. Then the new lady said "And they're all good, evry single one - except for the ones he wrote with that woman, Lynn somebody." I thought it amusing we were in such agreement on his work and polar opposites on the books he co-wrote with his daughter!

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