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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Light of Eidon

I was recently given a book entitled The Light of Eidon, which is Karen Hancock's first book in a new series called Legends of the Guardian-King. I thoroughly enjoyed this book once I got a handle on the setting and characters. Since it is a fantasy, at first it was a little difficult to understand some of the action. In some ways it reminded me of Ted Dekker's Circle Trilogy, which I also enjoyed very much. Somehow, looking at one's beliefs from a totally different perspective helps me to see them more clearly. In both these books I found myself suspicious of the "good guys" those who truly represented Christ's message, not just traditonal values. I am eagerly looking forward to the next book in this series. Since the characters did not choose a predictable path once they 'saw the light', I'm really curious to see how their lives develop and the affect on related characters.

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